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Do note there is Zero Scientific Evidence
of any Global Manmade Climate Crisis

The Great Renewable Energy Fraud –
Clarified by Dr.Benny Peiser …


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Greg Lance – Watkins
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PEISER, Dr. Benny 01
Climate change
United Nations:“Climate change refers to long-term shifts in temperatures and weather patterns, mainly caused by human activities, especially the burning of fossil fuels.”This is the standard caveat published by The UN on websites like You Tube, Wikipedia, Facebook and others – it is at best bias propaganda, exaggeration or based on deliberate social engineering, it is thus, indisputably, a lie.

Sadly it is based on carefully selected data and computer models designed to produce the desired result for those commissioning the prediction. In reality the statement would seem, from the available facts, to be a lie.

Do note there is Zero Scientific Evidence
of any Global Manmade Climate Crisis
May I suggest YOU read the full IPCC Report, which fails to support the UN’s claims!

Furthermore, as this entire fraud is for the benefit of a small collective of vested interests, their lackeys in Politics and a small selection of well funded researchers and very few genuine honest individuals declaring themselves to be Climate Scientists consider:
For centuries the consensus of scientists claimed the Earth was flat & the consensus of scientists & the whole of the Catholic Church agreed the Sun, planets & stars all revolved around our planet!

May I remind YOU that there is absolutely no doubt that our climate on this planet is driven by our local Star The Sun with strong influence from Plate Tectonics, volcanic action and some interference from occasional asteroids! Variable outputs that have ensured mankind has great difficulty accurately predicting the weather in the weeks ahead and has shown we haven’t a clue how to accurately predict the planet’s variable climate despite having some belief that it is in some way cyclical in manners we can only guess at. Real science has never been reliable and has always depended on debate, new information & proof! Remember around 80% of electricity we use is generated by Oil, Gas & other, so-called, Fossil Fuels & there is no scientific proof that CO2 causes Climate Change OR Global Warming!

Our planet has had a changing climate, with periods of warming, cooling & ice ages for 4.6BILLION years.

Very late in the day:
Primates emerged around 165,000,000 years ago, then Mankind started to emerge about 150,000 years ago, Denisovans & Neandertals about 80,000 years ago and then Homosapiens. We survived the last ice age and started itinerant farming around 20,000 years ago and the end of the ice age around 13,000 brought about extensive settled farming and towns and cities burgeoned. In around 1810 mankind numbered 1Billion, now we have reached 8Billion.

Never have we been so healthy, well fed, well housed, and had so much choice.Our life expectancy in Britain in 1909 was around 42 it is now over 80 as a result of food production (dependent on CO2!), development dependent on oil & gas (warm homes, heating and reliable electricity and cooking), initiative, invention, and medicine all of which was gifted to the world having been, in the main created by the Western Civilisations.

Let us not forget the green effects of the provision of Oil, gas, coal, nuclear & electric fuel for cooking and heating this means, cutting down trees for fuel is not required, as oil & gas, etc. are incredibly abundant and cheap to access & provide.In a pretence of being green billions of acres of forest & agricultural land are abused, growing trees for fuel and biomass, which requires Millions of gallons/barrels of oil for production, ploughing, harrowing, seeding, spraying etc. not to mention the millions of heavy tractor miles of road usage transporting the crop to biomass!In terms of Green & Net Zero – Consider the Billions of tons of coal used to make the steel, cement and glass and the huge amount of Oil used in transportation – IF you have fallen for the fraud of Climate Crisis and CO2, are you aware that there is absolutely no chance a Wind Turbine or Solar Panel will save on CO2 output or Coal, oil & gas usage!

Currently, over 80% of the energy used by mankind is generated by so called fossil fuels and in the UK at least 73% is generated by the same means! This year, worldwide 15 Billion tons of fossil fuels will be burned and 97 Million barrels per day or 37 Billion Barrels a year of Oil will be used.

Do be aware that ANY reduction in this use will result in damage to mankind – and do not overlook the Billions of tons of fuel required to make enviromentally damaging Wind Turbines, Solar Panels & EVs, and the Oil used to transport them and install them, not to mention the toxic waste these damaging products leave after 10 to 15 years!

Without a collapse in the survival of mankind there is no realistic possibility of noticeably reducing mankind’s use of Coal, Oil and Gas & we are obscenely damaging the environment with growing biomass crops and forests for biomass and transporting them Millions of miles. There will be net zero effect on the planet’s climate whatever man does – there will also be no change in fuel use for at least 50 years and Net Zero is a total fraud that risks annihilating life on Earth!

As for Electric cars – the level of pollution exceeds the pollution output of modern internal combustion vehicles and the toxic waste level of electric vehicles far outstrips that of combustion engined vehicles! Also, production of the incredibly heavy batteries is totally dependent on child labour and near-slavery standards & conditions in their production! Also do be aware that the road damage and tyre pollution by EVs far outstrips Internal Combustion cars – not forgetting the irrefutable fact that due to the electricity use increase for cars alone we will have to increase the number of Pylons by 1/3rd and dig up almost all streets in Britain to install substations and power boxes by at least 1/3rd. that is for cars alon.

Now take into consideration the undeniable fact that there is Net Zero chance of putting in the required charging points within 50 years and at the rate of replacement of cars with EVs there is Net Zero chance of ceasing the use of internal combustion engines in cars by 2050 – in fact at the present rate it will take 300 years to replace Britain’s cars with EVs.

Nice rant but you need help.


How right you are – Clearly I seek Help for mankind and the set aside of the fraudulent claim that mankind is responsible or competent, capable or sensible to consider the farcical and catastrophic economic pain and damage of Net Zero.

There is absolutely Net Zero scientific proof that mankind has a material effect on global climate or temperature. The entire Climate Crisis is a fraud to the advantage of wealthy vested interests and with Net Zero Scientific proof.

The pretence that there is a scientific consensus is clearly a total nonsense as shown by the disagreement of the scientists in this video make that clear.

Such scientific attempts to defraud people are utterly dependent on carefully selected data and carefully controlled models, designed to give the answers vested interests required by them. Pardon me for seeming to rant but the obvious fraud of the UN, WHO, WEF, IPCC, Politicians is possibly, if not probably likely to smash mankind back to the stoneage!

As Dr. Richard Lindzen a meteorologist and Climate authority at M.I.T. makes very clear in this video!

There is absolutely Net Zero doubt that there is Net Zero Scientific evidence, let alone proof that there is ANY sign of a Climate Crisis and even less evidence that mankind is having ANY material effect on the planet’s Climate.



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They sexualise children as young as 5 at school. But #Prince_Andrew paid £12M for NOT having intercourse with a minor &amp; #Ghislaine got 20yrs. but not a single #Epstein client has been charged, let alone prosecuted!
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Every part of the Tweet is a provable FACT,
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